Employee Benefits

To stay competitive in today's marketplace, small businesses must control their cost in running their business. We realize this being a small business ourselves. Attracting and retaining quality employees is no easy task, and having an attractive benefits package is extremely important which can be a complex task with the advent of Health Care Reform. But how many small business's have the time and manpower to devote resources to this area while at the same time managing and running their own business?

That is where we can help. We can be your back office support and be involved as much as you want us to be. We are here to serve you.

We can provide you with a complete comprehensive analysis of your existing group benefits package, and help determine if your benefit plan provides the coverage you want for your employees, and more important, if it is priced appropriately.

To see how we can help, simply use the Employee Census spreadsheet and e-mail to rick@rjhconsultingservices.com. Or you can fax to 248-446-8621. All information is kept confidential.

Employee Census
Employee Census.xls
Microsoft Excel sheet [35.0 KB]